KANJIAN Launched the New Collection of “KANJIAN·Life” and Established Special Counters in Five Cities
“看见民生”是由[看见造物]为现代生活特别研发、生产并推出的实用良品系列, “看见民生”以亲民价格亮相,通过新设计与民族手工艺的结合,实现当代民艺设计产品与大众生活的亲密接触,与使用者共建时尚、现代的生活方式。
“看见民生”产品系列的推出,是在联合设计师、区域生产业者的基础上,进一步携手营销渠道和消费者,共同推动中国传统工艺的应用创新、当代诠释和原创设计。“看见民生”系列产品全部销售利润的10%将捐助给“世界看见——1+5民族文化传承计划”,帮助区域手工艺大师培养民艺传承力量。在这一生态链闭环和平台中的每一个环节都成为当代民艺设计的参与者与推动者。“看见民生”以“为人而作 为人而用”为宗旨,量产可消费的生活产品,将源于传承的中国原创用之于普罗大众生活中。
In 2015, KANJIAN has launched its latest product collection, i.e. “KANJIAN·Life”, and marched into main shopping malls of five cities, including Chengdu, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Chongqing by means of Special Counters for “KANJIAN·Life”.
“KANJIAN·Life” is a collection full of practical designs, and specially designed and launched for modern life. “KANJIAN·Life” has made it debut by combining new designs with traditional craftsmanship, which has made contemporary crafts designs available to the public, and established a chic and modern lifestyle with the public. More importantly, the price of the new collection is more affordable to the public.
The joint hands of designers and regional producers have laid the foundation for the launch of “KANJIAN·Life”. By closely collaborating with marketing channels and consumers, KANJIAN, together with designers, intend to promote the innovation, contemporary interpretation as well as original designs of Chinese traditional craftsmanship. Also, 10% of the total profits of “KANJIAN·Life” will be donated to “Show the World—Good Will Action 1+5 Heritage Project”, creating a funding for regional young artisans. Each link within this ecological chain closed-loop and platform will be the participants and promoters for contemporary crafts design.
Following the mission of“Created for People”, KANJIAN is determined to produce affordable and consumable living products for the public and promote the designs originated from Chinese heritages to the public.
Kanjianminyi Creative Culture (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
ADD:北京市朝阳区建国路89号华贸商务楼16号606室 100025
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