“KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” was Highly Praised by International Judges
在刚刚开幕的“世界手工艺大会”上,由“看见造物”为中国工艺特别定制的限量版作品“看见.戏石屏风”从来自5大洲40多个国家11大类的871件作品中脱颖而出,被“世界手工艺理事会”的近百位国际评委评为唯一特等奖,也是此次评选的最高奖项。世界手工艺理事会北美主席Cindy Bowen评价说:“这件作品(看见.戏石屏风)代表了世界工艺美术的最高水平。”
此次活动的主办方“世界手工艺理事会”是联合国教科文组织非盈利机构,成立于美国纽约,拥有110多个成员国。此次展览和评选活动恰逢其成立50周年,是有史以来规格最高、规模最大的一次盛会:云集联合国教科文组织重要官员和近千位各国手工艺界代表,希望通过学术讨论和作品交流促进手工艺当代设计的国际水平,推动当代手工艺及设计的发展。经过初选、初评、复评环节,由世界手工艺理事会前主席Usha Krishna、美国艺术与设计博物馆珠宝首饰馆馆长Ursula Neuman及理事会各大洲分会专家理事等多位业内专家组成的国际评审组从技艺、材质、创新等方面进行的公正公平的评定,最终产生特等奖1件、金银铜奖共27件。国际代表共同品评了最高奖项“看见·戏石屏风”对传统手工艺的当代诠释与应用。
英国手工艺理事会执行主席 Rosy Greenlees:“它没有完全复制传统手工艺,也没有迎合西方审美和价值取向,但我相信来自全世界的大部分人都能在第一时间被它的美触动,而且这种感受会越来越深。我也很喜欢‘上乘非奢侈’这种理念,首先这种美学精神就是有品质的、上乘的。”
理事会成员、美国木旋协会主席 Terry Martin:“‘看见.戏石屏风’吸引我的不只是它的材质或双面绣的工艺,最重要的是它的结构、对于实用的考虑、与空间的关系、精密的力学原理和精良制作、以及对材质和工艺的诠释,这是一个整体概念,很难复制。”
理事会成员、马来西亚艺术家 Ramsay Ong:“光与影,动与静,生命与自然,美与实用。它用手工艺和设计语言传递了当代东方美学最核心的部分。”
During the World Crafts Conference, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen (limited edition)”, which is specially designed for Chinese handicraft by KANJIAN, stood out from 871 pieces of artworks under 11 categories submitted by over 40 countries and was granted the sole Outstanding Award by “World Crafts Council”. Cindy Bowen, the President for North America of World Crafts Council, commented: “This piece of artwork (KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen) represents the highest level of world crafts.”
World Crafts Council, the organizer of the event, is a non-profit organization of UNESCO, which was founded in New York with more then 110 member countries. The exhibition and contest coincided with its 50th anniversary, which has been the greatest event throughout history. Senior officials from UNESCO and nearly a thousand representatives within handicraft sector from different countries have gathered together, aiming to enhance the international standard of contemporary design and promote the development of contemporary craft and design by means of academic discussions and artwork exchanges. Having been evaluated for three sessions in terms of craftsmanship, materials and innovations, one piece of artwork (KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen) was granted the Outstanding Award and other 27 pieces of artworks were granted Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards respectively by the International Review Panel, which is consisted of Usha Krishna, former President of the World Crafts Council; Ursula Neuman, Curator of Jewelry Pavilion of the Museum of Arts and Design (NYC); experts and councils from different continents. Afterwards, international representatives have appreciated KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen and its contemporary interpretation and application towards traditional crafts.
Dr. Ghada (President for Asia/Pacific of World Crafts Council): “This screen is amazing. It has created supreme beauty with the combination of superb craftsmanship and ingenious designs. And it is not only innovative and creative, but also retains the essence of craftsmanship to a maximum extent. I hope that KANJIAN can bring more inspirations to the industry, design more masterpieces that fit the needs of modern people, and present more opportunities to promote the development of handicraft industry.”
Rosy Greenlees (Executive President for British Crafts Council): “It has neither fully replicated the traditional crafts, nor catered to Western aesthetic and value orientation. However, I do believe that most people from around the world will be touched by its beauty and elegance at their first sights, and the feelings get stronger and stronger over time. Personally I like the concept of ‘Celebrate Quality’, simply because such an aesthetic spirit is celebrate.”
Terry Martin (Member of the Council & President of American Association of Woodturners): “When I lay my eyes upon the Tease Stone Screen, what attracts me is not just its material or double-faced embroidery. More importantly, I am attracted to its structure, its consideration upon utility, precise mechanic principles and sophisticated design, as well as the interpretation towards material and craftsmanship. It is a holistic concept, which is difficult to replicate.”
Kanjianminyi Creative Culture (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
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