2014-12-24 14:44:01
“KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” Receives the Highest Award of the “WCC”
世界手工艺理事会(World Crafts Council)于10月24日宣布:经过近百位国际评委对来自5大洲、40余个国家的871件作品的评审与投票,最终产生特等奖1件、金银铜奖共27件。由[看见造物]监制的“看见•戏石屏风”被世界手工艺理事会评审团评为2014年唯一特等奖,也是此次大会的最高奖。评委会表示:“这件作品(看见•戏石屏风)代表了世界工艺美术的最高水平。”理事会也希望通过“看见•戏石屏风”为当代手工艺设计树立开拓和示范意义。”
此次评选主办方“世界手工艺理事会” 是联合国教科文组织下设国际非盈利机构,成立于美国纽约,拥有110多个成员国,2014恰逢世界手工艺理事会成立50周年,今年的评选是有史以来规格最高、规模最大的一次盛会:云集世界最顶尖的行业领袖及各国手工艺界代表,更是全球范围的评选。国际评审组由世界手工艺理事会前主席Usha Krishna、美国艺术与设计博物馆珠宝首饰馆馆长Ursula Neuman及理事会各大洲分会专家理事等多位业内专家组成,对入围作品从技艺、材质、创新等方面进行经过初选、初评、复评三个环节来评定。
英国手工艺理事会执行主席 Rosy Greenlees:“它没有完全复制传统手工艺,也没有迎合西方审美和价值取向,但我相信来自全世界的大部分人都能在第一时间被它的美触动,而且这种感受会越来越深。我也很喜欢‘上乘非奢侈’这种理念,首先这种美学精神就是有品质的、上乘的。”
理事会成员、美国木旋协会主席 Terry Martin:“‘看见 · 戏石屏风’吸引我的不只是它的材质或双面绣的工艺,最重要的是它的结构、对于实用的考虑、与空间的关系、精密的力学原理和精良制作、以及对材质和工艺的诠释,这是一个整体概念,很难复制。”
理事会成员、马来西亚艺术家 Ramsay Ong:“光与影,动与静,生命与自然,美与实用。它用手工艺和设计语言传递了当代东方美学最核心的部分。”
此次评选主办方“世界手工艺理事会” 是联合国教科文组织下设国际非盈利机构,成立于美国纽约,拥有110多个成员国,2014恰逢世界手工艺理事会成立50周年,今年的评选是有史以来规格最高、规模最大的一次盛会:云集世界最顶尖的行业领袖及各国手工艺界代表,更是全球范围的评选。国际评审组由世界手工艺理事会前主席Usha Krishna、美国艺术与设计博物馆珠宝首饰馆馆长Ursula Neuman及理事会各大洲分会专家理事等多位业内专家组成,对入围作品从技艺、材质、创新等方面进行经过初选、初评、复评三个环节来评定。
英国手工艺理事会执行主席 Rosy Greenlees:“它没有完全复制传统手工艺,也没有迎合西方审美和价值取向,但我相信来自全世界的大部分人都能在第一时间被它的美触动,而且这种感受会越来越深。我也很喜欢‘上乘非奢侈’这种理念,首先这种美学精神就是有品质的、上乘的。”
理事会成员、美国木旋协会主席 Terry Martin:“‘看见 · 戏石屏风’吸引我的不只是它的材质或双面绣的工艺,最重要的是它的结构、对于实用的考虑、与空间的关系、精密的力学原理和精良制作、以及对材质和工艺的诠释,这是一个整体概念,很难复制。”
理事会成员、马来西亚艺术家 Ramsay Ong:“光与影,动与静,生命与自然,美与实用。它用手工艺和设计语言传递了当代东方美学最核心的部分。”
On October 24, 2014, the World Crafts Council (WCC) announced a special award and 27 gold, silver and copper award winners after nearly one hundred international judges evaluated and voted on 871 works from five continents and over 40 countries. “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen”, a work supervised by KANJIAN, was given the only special award of 2014 by the WCC, which is also the highest award of the WCC. The judging panel said, “The work (KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen) has represented the highest level of world crafts and arts.” The WCC also hopes that “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” can set an example for contemporary crafts design.
The WCC, the organizer of the evaluation, is an international non-profit organization under the UNESCO. Founded in New York, the United States, it now has over 110 member states. 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the WCC. This year’s evaluation is the highest-grade and largest meeting ever: it gathered world’s top industry leaders and crafts representatives from all over the world and it’s a global selection. The international judging panel was composed of industry experts including Usha Krishna, former president of the WCC, Ursula Neuman, Jewelry Curator at the Museum of Arts and Design and WCC Board members of different continents. They evaluated the works in technique, materials and innovation and determined the final winners through primary selection, primary evaluation and re-evaluation.
“KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” is a limited-edition work especially made for Chinese crafts. It was designed by European designer Chi Wing Lo. After it went to the market in the spring of 2014, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” made its appearance at “KANJIAN CREATION - Milan Triennale Design Museum”. At the “Modern and Contemporary Art Design Sale” of Beijing Poly International Auction 2014 Spring Sales, it was hammered at RMB800,000. Taking the first place at the 2014 WCC General Assembly, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” again delivers the spirit of “KANJIAN” - “Celebrate Quality” to the world on an international platform.
Today, as contemporary Chinese creation is rising, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” has become a representative work of contemporary crafts design of China and even of the whole world, and its innovative thinking has become an example and reference of the industry.
Dr. Ghada, President of the WCC Asia/Pacific: “The screen is amazing. The combination of exquisite craftsmanship and ingenious design is perfect. It is innovative and at the same time keeps the essence of crafts to the greatest extent. I hope ‘KANJIAN’ can inspire the industry to have more excellent designs catering to the demand of contemporary people and can bring more possibilities to the protection and development of the crafts industry.”
Rosy Greenlees, Executive Director of the Crafts Council of the United Kingdom: “It did not completely copy traditional crafts or cater to Western aesthetics or values. I believe most people will be touched by its beauty at the first glance and such appreciation is enhanced by time. I also love the concept of ‘Celebrate Quality’, because the aesthetics spirit first is a quality one.”
Terry Martin, member of the WCC and President of the American Association of Woodturners: “What attracts me of ‘KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen’ is not only its materials or double-sided embroidery technique but more importantly its structure, utility, spatial relationship, dedicate mechanics principle and excellent workmanship and interpretation of materials and techniques. It is a whole concept and can hardly be copied.”
Ramsay Ong, member of the WCC and Malaysian artist: “It is a combination of light and shadow, motion and stillness, life and nature, beauty and utility. It has delivered the essence of contemporary eastern aesthetics with craftsmanship and design language.”
The WCC, the organizer of the evaluation, is an international non-profit organization under the UNESCO. Founded in New York, the United States, it now has over 110 member states. 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the WCC. This year’s evaluation is the highest-grade and largest meeting ever: it gathered world’s top industry leaders and crafts representatives from all over the world and it’s a global selection. The international judging panel was composed of industry experts including Usha Krishna, former president of the WCC, Ursula Neuman, Jewelry Curator at the Museum of Arts and Design and WCC Board members of different continents. They evaluated the works in technique, materials and innovation and determined the final winners through primary selection, primary evaluation and re-evaluation.
“KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” is a limited-edition work especially made for Chinese crafts. It was designed by European designer Chi Wing Lo. After it went to the market in the spring of 2014, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” made its appearance at “KANJIAN CREATION - Milan Triennale Design Museum”. At the “Modern and Contemporary Art Design Sale” of Beijing Poly International Auction 2014 Spring Sales, it was hammered at RMB800,000. Taking the first place at the 2014 WCC General Assembly, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” again delivers the spirit of “KANJIAN” - “Celebrate Quality” to the world on an international platform.
Today, as contemporary Chinese creation is rising, “KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen” has become a representative work of contemporary crafts design of China and even of the whole world, and its innovative thinking has become an example and reference of the industry.
Dr. Ghada, President of the WCC Asia/Pacific: “The screen is amazing. The combination of exquisite craftsmanship and ingenious design is perfect. It is innovative and at the same time keeps the essence of crafts to the greatest extent. I hope ‘KANJIAN’ can inspire the industry to have more excellent designs catering to the demand of contemporary people and can bring more possibilities to the protection and development of the crafts industry.”
Rosy Greenlees, Executive Director of the Crafts Council of the United Kingdom: “It did not completely copy traditional crafts or cater to Western aesthetics or values. I believe most people will be touched by its beauty at the first glance and such appreciation is enhanced by time. I also love the concept of ‘Celebrate Quality’, because the aesthetics spirit first is a quality one.”
Terry Martin, member of the WCC and President of the American Association of Woodturners: “What attracts me of ‘KANJIAN•Tease Stone Screen’ is not only its materials or double-sided embroidery technique but more importantly its structure, utility, spatial relationship, dedicate mechanics principle and excellent workmanship and interpretation of materials and techniques. It is a whole concept and can hardly be copied.”
Ramsay Ong, member of the WCC and Malaysian artist: “It is a combination of light and shadow, motion and stillness, life and nature, beauty and utility. It has delivered the essence of contemporary eastern aesthetics with craftsmanship and design language.”
Kanjianminyi Creative Culture (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
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